Our Director

Mrs. Shashi Rana welcomes future students of Univeral Public School, Ghoshgarh

A message from Rohini Educational Society

Dream and Reach For the Stars
A word of advice to our students – the school takes on the responsibility of nurturing children and helps open their minds to the wonders of life. All of you are special and we want you to take pride in achievement. Each job is a self portrait of the person who does it, autograph your work with excellence.

You are to the manor born, so to speak, for you lack for nothing. Think of others who are not as fortunate as you. Learn to excel, value people and individual judgment, be gentle, develop firm opinions, purge your heart of grudges, and work for a better tomorrow. Take pride in what you have, in your school, your city, your nation. Grow up to be responsible citizens. Success cannot be measured by material achievement alone, your contribution to the world and society matters more than what you get out of it.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. “ – Albert Einstein

My message to the Principal, Staff, Students and esteemed Parents of Universal Public School, Gurugram where we say “UPS Pariwar”, is to dedicate to a correct understanding of what education really means and let us all benefit from this understanding.

At the end I would like to thank all the parents who have reposed faith in our institution and the ideals it stands for. Let me assure you that your loved ones are in safe hands. Our staff understands the ethos of the school and help in guiding and encouraging the children and I am sure that the children will make both you and us proud.

UPS Pariwar bestows infinite blessings!

Schools these days are not only meant to attain information and knowledge, rather they are platforms for collaboration of thoughts and ideas. 

UPS Pariwar delivers utterance to the thoughts of students, teachers and highlights the achievements and milestones covered by the institution.

Life poses innumerable challenges and the goal of education is to help one to successfully brave through the rough seas of struggle, strife and hurdles. The strength of character developed in this school hold good for the rest of one’s life. A student is made to blossom intellectually, aesthetically, morally and spiritually.

My congratulations, to the students who have allowed themselves to be shaped molded especially at the present time when they face the challenge of a world in turmoil, with so much violence, discrimination and exploitation.

I entreat the Almighty to shower His blessings in plenty upon the staff and students of the school in their efforts.

God Bless You!