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Live Expert Seminars @ UPS

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Internet Safety and Cyber Security Awareness

Universal Public School, Gurgaon had organized a live seminar on Internet Safety and Cyber Security Awareness on September 17, 2022 for the senior wing comprising students from grades IX till XII and respective subject teachers and in-charges.
Universal Public School has been taking all sincere initiatives for the all round development of its students who are the future of our nation, India.
As with the advent of technology and an upgraded education system, Internet has now become a need of every student and hence UPS, Gurugram recognizes its responsibility to educate and steer students ahead so that they see a very bright future and make parents, places and nation proud and powerful.
With the internet usage being terrific it is very essential and crucial to make all students aware about the usage of the Internet and about cyber laws and security.

Mr. Kapil Bhargava who is an entrepreneur, founder and a keen enthusiast of technology and latest trends was invited to be the speaker and the moderator of the event. He is an experienced industry professional and owns his start up which is a marketing agency and a digital academy ClickVeda.

Facilitator, Mr. Bhargava told students about the Internet, networks, platforms of digital marketing, correct usage of the platforms and types of cyber crimes and how one can keep oneself safe.
There were about 90 students who were very enthusiastic, keen and sincere while learning the new things which have emerged very magnificent.

Entire batch of students was taking notes and all mates were very much satisfied and made promises for using the Internet in a controlled and positive manner for their own benefits and also students realized the need of cyber laws, cyber security, prevention and the laws that are formulated by government of India for control of cyber attacks and cyber thefts and safeguarding India’s citizens and children.
Students were very curious throughout the seminar and raised several concerns and queries and hence the session was very much brainstorming and lively.

Some of the questions that were raised are as under:

  • How can one create a STRONG PASSWORD?
  • Safety against VIRUS and intrusions.
  • Entire Facebook platform and security measures for the correct and progressive usage.

Queries about digital awakening and impact on careers were answered very proficiently too.

On this occasion, our respected principal ma’am, Mrs. Sundresh, staff members and students expressed their gratitude to the facilitator for imparting knowledge and investing his precious time.
Universal Public School, Gurugram is leaving no stone unturned in shaping the bright future of all its students and it feels proud that something good has been done every time which is enriching our nation, BHARAT.

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Seminar Highlights